CBD vs THC. What is the difference?

CBD vs THC. What is the difference?


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CBD VS THC: What Is The Difference?

If marijuana were a person, it would be horrified at how many myths surround its bright name. But it is worth taking a closer look at this issue and getting to know better what CBD and THC are, how the terrible "hemp beast" turns into a controlled and even proper pet, which progressive societies have long taken under control and use for good. So, what’s the difference between CBD VS THC?

What Is Meant By CBD?

This substance was in the shadow of the better-known tetrahydrocannabinol for a long time. But scientists have learned to use the power of CBD in combination with THC to increase the effect of active components on the body while at the same time weakening the "euphoric" effects. If comparing CBD VS THC effects, Cannabidiol saves more than 250 pathological conditions. For the plant itself, the presence of CBD is beneficial because it is both an antimicrobial protection and an antioxidant.

What Effect Does CBD Have?

Since CBD oil does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol – the substance responsible for the psychostimulant activity of hemp – it does not cause side effects, hallucinations, euphoria, and other narcotic phenomena. Cannabidiol in the product's composition has a healing, strengthening, and tonic effect on the body, helps fight stress, and increases vitality and mental and physical performance. And all this is legal.

What Is Meant By THC?

THC is the main physically active component of marijuana. It directly affects the brain's CB1 receptors and causes euphoria, making cannabis the focus of many of Rastaman's euphoric dreams. But how to determine THC in marijuana? Special tests are often present in the everyday lives of Rasta culture followers and advanced plant growers. They are sold in many herbal stores and allow you to determine the THC content of herbs, oils, and other products containing cannabinoids.

CBD VS THC Chart: What’s The Difference

What is the difference between these components?

However, the difference between these two compounds is immediately apparent from the very beginning. Cannabis plants are divided into two types: Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Cannabis, rich in CBD, is harvested from the Cannabis Sativa strain. This strain is mainly used for medicinal purposes. On the other hand, the Indica strain has a higher concentration of THC or the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. For this reason, Cannabis Indica strains are considered more of a recreational drug.

Both strains contain the same compounds, which consist of 2 oxygen atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and 21 carbon atoms. The only difference is the composition or location of these atoms. Because of this difference in the chemical formula, CBD and THC affect the body differently.

THC is a well-known compound that has a psychoactive effect on the brain. Comparing the CBD VS THC anxiety effect shows that CBD has minimal, practically no signs of psychoactive components in the composition.

Comparing CBD VS THC for sleep effects, THC is able to improve sleep for people living with chronic pain. Conversely, CBD may reduce symptoms of REM sleep behaviour disorder and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Some cannabis users also note that light CBD helps eliminate cravings for regular marijuana. And this means that it can benefit those who want to reduce their tolerance to marijuana (THC).

What is THC to CBD ratio?

The success and popularity of varieties with a high content of CBD surprised many. When THC concentration levels are often much less than 1%, this so-called "light marijuana" simply cannot cause a "high," even though it looks and smells exactly like ordinary cannabis. The level of CBD is high and often fluctuates around 10-20%. Varieties with a lot of CBD are sold in health food stores, tobacco shops and online stores.


When Is The Best Time To Take CBD Oil?

Can You Build Tolerance to CBD?

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