Table of Contents
More and more people are starting to use CBD products as their benefits become more well understood. Today, you don't have to look too far to see online articles, videos, and other types of media content promoting these benefits. This content should be backed by adequate research and experience. And, since the number of CBD users is expected to increase in the coming years, it appears many people believe in the benefits of these products. Thanks to the increasing popularity, millions of people in the UK alone now use different types of CBD products daily. But before you jump on the CBD train, there are so many things you need to know. It helps to understand CBD, how it is made, the ideal way to produce it, the dosage limits, how you can enjoy the benefits, how to purchase your CBD products, and so on.
Fortunately, that's what this CBD buyer’s guide seeks to do. This guide will provide you with all the necessary and accurate information you need on your journey to becoming a healthy CBD user. Reakiro CBD team has put together this comprehensive 3-step CBD guide, so you can be assured that every piece of information contained here is valid and accurate. If you're looking for an ideal guide to CBD oil or a beginner's guide to CBD, you have come to the right place.

Step 1. What is CBD?
CBD is the abbreviated form of cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis Sativa plant. It is one of the 120 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids, generally, are compounds found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the second most abundant active compound after THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). According to various studies, cannabidiol or CBD currently accounts for about 40% of cannabis plants' extracts.
Contrary to what many people may think, CBD is not intoxicating. Years of research and data gathered from its usage indicates that it is a well-tolerated constituent of cannabis. That's because intoxicating substances can affect your decision-making process and your ability to control your movement, and CBD is not known to have that effect on people. It is also useful to note that many of the CBD-infused products currently available on the market are industrial hemp plants, not the marijuana strain. This is because of the marijuana plant's high THC content. THC is the most psychoactive cannabinoid and is known to be responsible for most of the symptoms of intoxication.
Step 2. How do I take CBD?
CBD products come in different forms for different methods of consumption and for different uses. For example, you'll find different forms of topical CBD products that are absorbed only at the skin level and are not meant for internal consumption. A great example is the CBD Warming Muscle Relief gel, which is applied topically.
You will also find different types of oral CBD products like CBD oils that are meant to be administered orally. Oral CBD has about a 5% absorption rate, and you can take it in various ways, including adding it to your meals. You can also find CBD products in capsule forms and chewable edibles. Reakiro CBD, for example, has vegan CBD gummies and different types of CBD gel capsules.

You can also consume CBD by inhaling it through vapes or e-cigarettes, known as CBD e-liquids or CBD vape oil. The vapour goes into the lungs and is then infused into the bloodstream. But before you take any CBD product, you must know what type you prefer. CBD is available in three main types - full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolates.
Full-spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids but only has less than 0.2% THC content.
Broad-spectrum CBD contains only traces of THC but maintains most of the plant’s cannabinoid content. CBD isolates, however, only contain pure cannabidiol. Now that you know the various ways you can take CBD, the next stage is to have a CBD oil dosage guide if you're a first-timer.
What's my CBD dosage?
So, you now know about the different ways you can take your preferred CBD product, but you may be looking for a "how much CBD should I take beginners guide." How much you should take is crucial, and that's true for numerous reasons. Most CBD products mark dosage in the form of milligrams. But there are also a ton of CBD products on the market that fall outside any official regulation regarding dosage, which can make it a bit tricky for a new consumer. But don't worry; this CBD dosage guide has all the low down you need.
Sometimes, the best dosage may depend on the use. For example, if you're using a medically prescribed CBD product, your healthcare professional should give you specific dosage requirements to follow.
But if you're taking it for support purposes, you can consider this your CBD oil guide. Some experts may advise starting from about 1000 mg when it comes to CBD oils. That's because the most satisfied CBD oil users usually consume about 50 mg daily.
But it is always advisable to begin with a lower dose of about 20 mg of Cannabidiol a day, which will help you figure out how best the product works for you. As recommended, do not exceed 70mg of CBD per day.
After your first week, you can decrease or increase your dosage by about 20 mg, depending on how satisfied or dissatisfied you were with the first dosage. We are all unique, some people prefer to take less CBD, others more CBD. Anyway, we recommend you consult the doctor about the right dosage for you.
What dosage do I need, and how long does it take to feel the benefit?
According to available research, CBD users can tolerate dosage levels as high as 1500 mg daily. It's important to note that research in this field is still relatively young, so the figure mentioned is subject to further research. That said, there haven't been many side effects reported for using CBD, although you'll find diarrhoea, fatigue, and appetite changes to be the mentioned side effects.
As indicated previously, many people appear satisfied with 20 mg to 70 mg daily but feel free to try something as little as 5 mg per use if you're uncertain. If 5 mg per use doesn't work well for you, you can consider increasing your dosage by 5 mg per use for about two days. You can continue in this way until you hit the right dosage that gives you the satisfactory and desired effects.
You should also note that any ideal dosage will depend on what you're using the CBD product for and the form of CBD product you're taking. And it's important to also note that the different forms of CBD products also determine how quickly the CBD will take effect for you to feel the full benefits.
In most cases, CBD capsules, oils, and edibles can take up to about 30 to 60 minutes to start taking effect because of their means of absorption, which passes through the digestive system.

Start with a small dosage of CBD and increase slowly until you reach your desired effect. Your ideal dosage of CBD depends on a lot of factors, like your body weight, body chemistry, the condition you’re treating, and the concentration of CBD in the product you’re using.
Can you overdose on CBD?
If you're looking for a reliable and accurate CBD dosage guide, you're at the right place. As indicated previously, there isn't a generally agreed upon dose level that can be considered too much, as reports have suggested people taking as much as 1500 mg with no issues. And yet, even this level is not toxic and not widely considered to be lethal.
Although none of the CBD studies have shown that CBD overdose is life-threatening in any way, it can still have some negative side effects on your body. Especially, if you're trying it for the first time, you may end up feeling very uncomfortable for a couple of hours if you take too much. That's why it's still important to be careful with how much you decide to start with.
You can feel some uncomfortable side effects, which could indicate that you may have taken too much in one dose: stomach upset, extreme drowsiness, lethargy, diarrhoea, nausea, and other disorienting side effects. Also, depending on what type of CBD product you use, you can expect its effect to last anything from two to six hours.
Step 3. How do I buy CBD?
If you have read this far, you probably know all you need to know about what CBD is, how best to take it, and how much you can take. Now, you may be asking yourself how to buy it. Well, consider this your guide for buying CBD.
The first thing you have to do is buy from a trusted and reputable company specialising in selling the types of CBD products you’re looking for. That's because reputable companies do more than just sell CBD products. They prioritise testing and quality control for safety purposes.
Another reason why you should only buy from reputable companies is that CBD is still a relatively new product on the market. And while its users are increasing in number, the market is still poorly regulated. There are few legal protections you can enjoy as a consumer. So, your safest and best option is to purchase from a seller or organisation that will walk you through everything you need to know and sell you only reliable, tested, and safe cannabis products. Thankfully, you don't have to look too far for the best places to buy. Online shops like Reakiro offer a variety of CBD products you can buy, with safety guaranteed.
CBD Guide FAQs
Is CBD oil safe?
As indicated in the guide to CBD, you have little to nothing to worry about regarding safety concerns or becoming addicted. In fact, according to the WHO, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of dependence on the product. And almost every reliable CBD guide UK has agreed that CBD oil is safe.
Even more importantly, regulations prevent CBD brands from making unverified medical claims. So, be sure to never purchase any cannabis product from any retailer that makes medical claims.
Is it legal to have CBD in the UK?
CBD usage is perfectly legal in the UK. And as indicated in this CBD buying guide UK has laws requiring CBD products to meet particular criteria before they can be legally available for consumption in the UK.
How do I choose a good CBD?
From this CBD user guide, you may have realised that there are different types of CBD products to choose from. Depending on your needs, you may go for full or broad-spectrum products. You can also choose a preferred product based on the mode of consumption or application.
How long should CBD oil stay in your system?
CBD oil can stay in your system for anywhere between one to five days. However, different factors like metabolism and how your body processes the oil can affect how long CBD oil will stay in your system. But regardless of how long the oil stays, its effect will last for a shorter time, usually from two to six hours, as already indicated in this CBD oil buyer’s guide.
Disclaimer: Reakiro is a manufacturer and retailer of CBD products, and we take every reasonable step to ensure our products are safe, and in-line with UK and EU regulations. However, in this article and other content on our website and social media, we make no medical claims on the effectiveness or side effects of CBD.
1 comment
Vitalina Dorphen
good article