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CBD is a naturally occurring chemical found in cannabis plants. Millions of people worldwide enjoy CBD products — such as oils, gels, edibles, gummies, pastes, sprays, vitamins, and numerous others.
CBD (Cannabidiol) is a versatile natural plant extract that brings countless mental and physical wellness benefits. Studies have found it can help managing with sleeplessness, aches, and pains, and even ease the symptoms of various medical conditions.
CBD Oil is one of the most popular CBD-based products. You can take it under the tongue or add a few drops to food or drinks.
Reakiro produces and sells a wide range of CBD products, available in nationwide retailers and online. In this article, we take a closer look at what is CBD, what is CBD used for, and why people take CBD.
What does CBD do to you?
CBD is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis, also known as hemp plants or marijuana. CBD is an essential ingredient in medical marijuana.
However, you don’t need to worry about CBD getting you high, any of the usual side effects people experience from weed, or CBD being illegal. It isn’t; CBD is perfectly legal, safe, and doesn’t contain any of the harmful or addictive properties found in weed. Those are only caused by another naturally occurring active ingredient, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
On the other hand, based on millions users' reviews, CBD is known for helping people sleep, experience less pain, and cope with numerous symptoms caused by life-limiting conditions.
What is CBD used for?
As a naturally occurring chemical compound found within cannabis plants, CBD can be used to create a wide variety of products. At Reakiro, we have a state-of-the-art facility that turns raw CBD extract into numerous popular products found in shops around the UK and online.
Reakiro CBD products include:
- CBD Oils (take it under the tongue, or add a few drops to food or drinks)
- Organic CBD Raw Hemp Paste
- CBD Capsules
- CBD Gel
- CBD Gummies
- CBD Sprays
- CBD-based Skin Care Products
- CBD Vitamins
Alongside numerous co-branded partnership products and many more innovations to come in the future, we love finding new ways to turn raw CBD extract into exciting premium products that our customers love.
Reakiro always puts customers first, with responsive customer service and transparent processes, so that you know our products are always high-quality and refined to avoid contaminants and any impurities that could cause adverse reactions. We even publish the results of independent lab testing, so that you can be confident in every Reakiro CBD product.
What is CBD, and does it make you high?
Smoking weed, or marijuana, one of the main raw extracts from cannabis plants, can make you high. One of the main reasons for this is the chemical compound known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This naturally occurring lipid produces a euphoria in the human brain, commonly known as getting “high.”
Getting high from weed, or marijuana, is also associated with several known side effects, such as paranoia, nausea, addiction, and even a THC-induced psychosis. That’s why cannabis or any products with a high concentration of THC are classified as illegal drugs in many countries. Even where THC-based products are regulated, the amount allowed is restricted to avoid similar harmful side effects.
Although CBD comes from cannabis plants, it does not get you high. It’s not a drug, and there are no harmful side effects. CBD is also naturally occurring, known as Cannabidiol, a phytocannabinoid produced by cannabis plants, and one of 113 chemical composites within the plant’s leaves.
What is CBD, and why do people take it?
People take CBD for numerous reasons. Millions of people worldwide buy and enjoy CBD products every year, and the number who are benefiting from CBD is growing fast.

Although research studies on CBD are yet to prove anything conclusively, scientifically, there are countless studies that show why people take CBD and the numerous mental and physical health benefits.
Research suggests that CBD helps people to manage cope better with anxiety and depression. Even though you don’t get “high” from CBD, it’s known to relax the human brain, making people calmer. Consequently, this means it’s known for helping people sleep too, so if you have insomnia, taking a CBD product, whichever way is best for you, could give you a better night’s sleep.
Studies also show that CBD can help those suffering from pain caused by chronic illness, easing inflammation and pain.
In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a CBD-based drug, Epidiolex, for treating the effect of Epileptic seizures in 2018. Although CBD can’t cure epilepsy, it can make the effects of seizures easier to cope with, and this could be the case with other life-limiting conditions where people suffer seizures.
Doctors have also found that CBD-based products have shown promise for those suffering from schizophrenia, reducing the side effects of antipsychotic medication.
As we say, CBD is not a cure for any of these illnesses. However, people affected by them take CBD to help ease the symptoms of the condition or the effects of the illnesses.
In every other case, people take CBD to help them relax, sleep, and athletes use CBD to reduce the impact of constant pressure and strain on muscles and joints.
What does CBD do to the brain?
CBD (Cannabidiol) reacts positively in the human brain. Scientific studies have found that people resting, or trying to sleep, benefit from taking CBD. If you’re not resting and need to do something, the same studies found that there are mental health benefits when performing tasks.
In so many ways, CBD produces positive benefits for people, whichever way they want to enjoy it.
The World Health Organization said there’s no harmful side effects of using CBD: “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”
Is CBD a drug?
CBD (Cannabidiol) is a herbal remedy, a natural chemical byproduct of phytocannabinoids in cannabis plants.
CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, and it constitutes a significant percentage of the plant’s chemical structure. CBD comes with numerous natural health benefits for the mind and body.
Around the world, CBD has been studied by drugs and food agencies, and every one of them has come to the conclusion that it’s not a drug. Although it can’t be classed as medicine, the properties and effects of CBD make it naturally medicinal. CBD is free from any harmful toxins, or anything psychoactive, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is also found in cannabis plants.
THC is another one of the 113 cannabinoids in cannabis plants, and it’s this naturally produced psychoactive lipid that causes people to get “high.” THC is the main reason cannabis is classified as a drug worldwide. CBD, on the other hand, doesn’t include THC, and therefore, is classed as a natural herbal remedy, rather than an illegal drug.
In some cases, a tiny amount of THC is included in CBD products, such as raw hemp paste; although this is always below the 0.2% THC limit allowed in the EU and UK. Even with those products, CBD is not a drug, and the amount of THC is perfectly safe, and won’t cause any harmful reactions or side effects like smoking cannabis.
How can I buy Reakiro CBD products?
You can buy Reakiro’s sought-after CBD products — including oils, capsules, gels, organic hemp paste, gummies, sprays, skin care products, and vitamins — from a wide variety of UK retailers, in-store and online, including:
- Reakiro CBD Shop Official
- Holland & Barrett (online and across 715 UK stores)
- Amazon UK
After trying one of our products, give us feedback, and please leave a CBD review online. We always want our products and level of customer service to meet and exceed expectations. Reakiro offers discounts and freebies for highly-valued customer feedback.
If you’ve got an idea for a new Reakiro product, or are happy — or unhappy, for any reason — with any Reakiro CBD product, then contact us, or leave a review. We love hearing from customers!
Are Reakiro CBD products safe?
Every batch of CBD products is tested at an independent laboratory, and we publish a Reakiro Certificate of Analysis so that anyone who’s unsure of CBD products can see for themselves how safe they are.
Reakiro’s processes at our 1500 square meter state-of-the-art facility in Poland ensure every step during extraction and refining reduces the risk of contaminants and avoids impurities that could cause adverse reactions.
Reakiro CBD FAQs
What is CBD, and what is Cannabidiol?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally produced chemical, a phytocannabinoid first discovered in 1940, one of 113 cannabinoids in cannabis plants. It’s a popular natural herbal remedy, and can be taken in a number of ways: oil, capsules, gel, organic hemp paste, gummies, sprays, skin care products, and vitamins. Reakiro sells a wide range of natural CBD products, online, through brand partners, and in national retailers in stores.
Does CBD make you high?
No, CBD doesn’t make you high. The only way people get high from the extracts of cannabis plants is when products or dried raw extract, known as weed, include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
THC is a natural psychoactive, causing the “high” that people experience when smoking or taking cannabis products in other ways. CBD products rarely include THC or anything that can cause the same sort of high, and if they do, the dosage is well below the legal limits allowed in the EU and UK.
What is the difference between CBD and THC?
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is another one of the 113 natural cannabinoids present in cannabis plants. Chemically, it’s referred to as a Delta-9-THC isomer, a naturally occurring lipid, something the cannabis plants evolved to combat insect predators, ultraviolet light, and environmental stresses.
When cannabis products include THC it causes a natural “high” amongst humans, affecting the brain because it’s a psychoactive substance. Worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and numerous national governments, the THC in weed classifies it as a drug and, therefore, illegal in many countries.
On the other hand, CBD is legal in many countries, primarily because it doesn’t contain THC, or if THC is present, the dosage is below the legal limits allowed.
One of our products, raw hemp extract paste contains less than 0.2% THC, below the UK and EU-wide legal limit for THC in CBD products.
Is CBD a drug, is CBD legal?
CBD is not a drug, it’s a herbal remedy, and therefore not something the government or police prevents people from buying online and in shops. CBD is legal in the UK, EU, and many countries around the world. CBD products became legal in the UK in 2016, after the MHRA (Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) said they could be classed as medicinal, and safe for consumers.
However, CBD products must not contain more than 0.2% THC, to keep them safely below the maximum limit allowed for THC in any CBD-based products.
In most cases, CBD products don’t contain any THC and, therefore, are legal in the UK and European Union (EU). The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) released new guidance in 2022, saying that healthy adults shouldn’t take more than 70mg of CBD per day, and that CBD products should include this guidance on their packaging.
What is CBD good for, why do people take CBD?
Millions of people worldwide take CBD for a wide number of reasons: to help them sleep, manage pain, reduce anxiety, improve cognition and concentration, movement disorders, and relax. Athletes and famous sports figures consume CBD products for the same reasons, helping them improve movement and performance.
Numerous studies validate the reasons people take CBD, although CBD products are still classified as herbal remedies, and Reakiro makes no scientific claims for the physical or mental benefits people experience from our products.
Disclaimer: Reakiro is a manufacturer and retailer of CBD products, and we take every reasonable step to ensure our products are safe, and in-line with UK and EU regulations. However, in this article and other content on our website and social media, we make no medical claims on the effectiveness or side effects of CBD.