How CBD Helps Brits Recover Energy After a Tiring Day

How CBD Helps Brits Recover Energy After a Tiring Day


YouGov did a survey in April 2024 and found that 13% of the British feel tired “all of the time”. In addition to this alarming statistic, a whopping 25% from the same study reported that they feel tired and fatigued most of the time during their awake periods. 

There’s no question that UK residents are struggling with fatigue, low energy levels, and feelings of exhaustion brought on by stress, lack of sleep, and low nutrition. What steps should we take to address this issue? While supplements are being pushed to nourish the body, and energy drinks claim to boost energy levels when people need it most, why are so many Brits still struggling with low energy?

With more research being conducted on a weekly basis, doctors are now beginning to prescribe that ever-elusive CBD energy boost UK residents have been asking for. But does it really work? We did some research to find out if CBD is the ultimate answer to this chronic problem. Here’s what we’ve discovered so far.

Recovering Energy Levels in the UK

Most people’s bodies already have the energy they need to get through the day. But this energy is often burnt up through mental strain, chronic pain, poor food choices, and an insufficient amount of sleep. In short, many are in need of energy recovery.

Recovering energy means allowing the body to recover vitality and focus it in the right places (the body and the mind). Giving the body what it needs helps to make this happen. To be clear, CBD is not an energy booster, but it does create balance in the human anatomy, allowing the body to direct energy where it’s needed most. 

Here are five important points that show how CBD restores energy and combats fatigue:

Better Sleeping Patterns

Adults need approximately seven hours of sleep every night to fully recover enough mental and physical energy for the following day. Numerous studies have proven that CBD improves sleep, and it continues to transform people's lives by inducing sleep at the right time. 

Because cannabis oil is taken at the same time each night, users form a consistent pattern of sleep that sees them waking up more refreshed and energised. While more research is needed to confirm these findings, thousands of people who have tried this method claim that it has changed their lives for the better.

Reduced Anxiety

It’s no secret that CBD has been a lifesaver for people who struggle with anxiety. The properties in CBD oil interact with the brain’s serotonin receptors, promoting a sense of peace and mental clarity. 

Because stress is such an energy drainer, the body has time to recover with CBD after it’s been administered in various ways (gummies, oil, brownies, etc.). With a significant reduction in anxiety, the body can focus its energy on mental and physical tasks, making the user’s day more productive.

Pain Management

Back pain, headaches, and injuries are just some of the ways discomfort can encroach on Brits’ day and sap their energy. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that bring temporary comfort to the user so that the body has time and space to heal.

Lower Cortisol

The hustle and bustle of life in the UK might slowly build up stress levels in people. Once that stress hits a certain intensity, the body goes into panic mode, using all its energy to cope with natural recovery. Stress also has negative effects on sleep, causing more strain on the body during the day.

Some studies suggest that CBD can lower cortisol levels. Note that these studies are not yet conclusive. It’s also important to remember that exercise, a balanced diet, and managing relationships in a healthy way contribute to lower cortisol levels, so CBD might not be the “quick fix” some are looking for when it comes to stress.

Mental Acuity

Because of its ability to induce sleep, manage chronic pain, and reduce anxiety, CBD also has the reputation of relaxing the mind just enough to focus on mental tasks. This promotes mental clarity in some, giving them the ability to zone in on what they are doing and get it done in a more methodical way.

How Does CBD Help with Fatigue and Energy Recovery?

CBD has a set of unique properties that target specific parts of the brain and body when consumed. UK residents using CBD for recovery all over the country are reporting better sleep, less fatigue, and higher energy levels.

So, what exactly are these properties and how do they affect the body?

Promoting Mental Balance: Modulation of the Endocannabinoid System

The brain and body of every human being have CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD affects how these receptors react, and this is in a positive way! When CBD is consumed, the CB1 and CB2 receptors become more balanced, giving the mind a sense of calm. This calmness also reduces stress, improves sleep, and drastically reduces fatigue.

Better Brain Function: Dopamine & Serotonin

The brain also has important 5-HT1A serotonin receptors, which play a huge role in regulating the mood and general motivation. When these receptors are stimulated, people feel more motivated, which directly affects energy levels. 

Using CBD for tiredness could also boost dopamine levels. Dopamine is another mood influencer. CBD is believed to increase dopamine in the brain and promote a sense of alertness in the user, helping them to focus on tasks and get things done without having to “drag their feet”.

Stress Less: Cortisol Reduction

High stress levels brought on by a steady increase in cortisol will make it harder to sleep at night and cause fatigue during the day. Cortisol is a secretion in the brain and leads to what we call “feeling stressed”. CBD directly interacts with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of the brain, causing lower cortisol secretion.

When the brain starts to lower its cortisol secretion, users will typically begin to sleep better. They will also be more alert during the day because their stress levels are lower. In addition to this, CBD will also modulate adenosine, causing the body to take up more of this important molecule that naturally occurs in the body. More adenosine ultimately leads to better sleep and a reduction in fatigue.

Pain Management: Mitochondrial Support

When the body is in pain, it goes into overdrive, sapping a majority of energy to remain in a state of repair. While this is a good and natural function, it can lead to chronic daytime fatigue.

Some studies have shown that utilising CBD for fatigue relief can affect the NF-κB and PPARγ pathways, providing an anti-inflammatory effect to relieve pain. Other researchers have suggested that CBD also helps mitochondrial function, which means that the body’s cells repair and multiply quicker, healing the body without sapping energy.

Sleeping Pattern Assistance: GABA and Glutamate Systems

CBD without THC (THC is the substance that causes a feeling of being high) directly affects the body’s GABA and glutamate systems, which are responsible for a good night’s sleep. By taking CBD consistently at the right time each evening, the body gradually learns to sleep at the same time every night. This inevitably leads to higher energy levels and less fatigue during the day.

Blood Flow & Oxygenation: Vasodilation

Having oxygen-rich blood is essential for high energy levels. CBD encourages vasodilation of the blood vessels, decreasing blood pressure and improving blood flow throughout the body and the cerebrum. Not only does this boost physical stamina, but also mental clarity. 

As we can see, there’s a decent amount of scientific evidence that taking CBD for tiredness can significantly improve sleeping patterns, energy levels, and brain alertness.

CBD for Restoring Mental and Physical Energy

As we’ve seen, cannabidiol works predominantly on the brain. It’s the brain that sends signals to the rest of the body telling it what it needs to do, and CBD assists the brain by regulating certain receptors and molecules. 

Now, some may be wondering how all of this affects physical energy. If CBD typically affects the brain, how does this translate to the body? There is a direct correlation to how the brain functions and how its functionality affects the body. Here’s a quick overview.

CBD and the Basal Ganglia: Motor Energy & Physical Stamina

The basal ganglia determines how the body burns energy and also plays an important role in motor skills and movement. Because CBD stimulates the dopaminergic pathways of the brain, muscle fatigue is reduced, and stamina is increased. This allows the body to carry out physical tasks for longer, leaving fatigue for when it’s time to stop moving and get some much-needed sleep.

CBD and the Locus Coeruleus: Wakefulness & Fatigue Resistance

Looking at how CBD restores energy is fascinating, especially when we consider the locus coeruleus of the brain. This is essentially a part of the brainstem responsible for regulating when the body should sleep and when it should be awake. 

CBD’s effect on the locus coeruleus is twofold. First, it stimulates noradrenaline production, a healthy hormone that regulates sleeping patterns. Second, it balances out the locus coeruleus by preventing fatigue while at the same time limiting overstimulation during the day.

CBD and the Hippocampus: Cognitive Energy

The brain has an area called the hippocampus, responsible for creating new neurones in the brain. These neurones need to grow so that memory and brain function can be maintained throughout a person’s life. 

CBD stimulates this important growth process, ultimately leading to mental focus and even better memory. This enhanced cognitive stimulation is void of fatigue because the CBD acts as a direct influence on the hippocampus without the body needing to expend energy for this crucial function.

CBD and Prefrontal Cortex: Decision-Making & Alertness

An in-depth study suggests that CBD can have a positive effect on the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for decision-making, self-perception, and concentration. CBD does this by enhancing the blood flow to this part of the brain, improving reaction time & focus, while decreasing mental fatigue.

CBD and Mitochondria in Neurons: Cellular Energy Production

Getting that CBD energy boost many UK residents have been craving means focusing on cell production in the body, which is a healthy process that promotes a boost in vitality. Mitochondria are responsible for ATP synthesis, which is basically how the body generates energy to move, think, and live.

CBD doesn’t directly promote this, but it does so indirectly by minimising oxidative stress within the neurones themselves. This gives neurones the space to function more efficiently, store energy, and expend that energy where it’s most needed.

CBD and BDNF: Stamina

Long-term mental vitality and cognitive resilience are what many Brits need to stop feeling fatigued and to allow their energy to recover with CBD. This is known as mental stamina, and it’s what results from a healthy body regulating energy.

This function is the responsibility of a brain metric known as the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). CBD directly boosts BDNF levels, allowing the brain to enjoy long-term mental stamina.

Scientific Evidence on CBD for Fatigue Relief

British people who are tired during the day more than at night will struggle with fatigue. This not only affects their work life, but their relationships too. Hundreds of studies have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of CBD for fatigue relief, and many more studies are needed to conclude its benefits.

So far, the following scientific evidence exists to support the efficacy of using CBD to minimise fatigue during the day:



Notable Finding

Main Benefit

Reasons for Cannabidiol Use: A Cross-Sectional Study of CBD Users


Many users report CBD helps with stress, relaxation, and sleep improvement, which are closely linked to fatigue.

Stress and sleep regulation

Cannabidiol (CBD): A Systematic Review of Clinical and Preclinical Evidence


CBD shows analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which may help reduce chronic pain, a common contributor to fatigue.

Pain relief and inflammation reduction

Cannabidiol Usage, Efficacy, and Side Effects: Analyzing Users' Experiences


70% of users found CBD effective in reducing stress and anxiety, which can alleviate mental fatigue.

Anxiety and stress relief

Cannabidiol Use and Effectiveness: Real-World Evidence from a Canadian Medical Cannabis Clinic


CBD improved well-being and reduced symptoms of pain, anxiety, and depression, indirectly helping with fatigue.

Mood enhancement and pain relief

Therapeutic Efficacy of Cannabidiol (CBD): A Review of the Evidence from Clinical Trials and Human Laboratory Studies


Some studies show CBD reduces anxiety levels in stressful situations, which may reduce stress-related fatigue.

Anxiety reduction

Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol Plus Standard Care vs. Standard Care Alone for the Treatment of Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout Among Frontline Healthcare Workers


CBD reduced emotional exhaustion and burnout, both of which contribute to fatigue.

Burnout and fatigue reduction

Beyond Pain Relief: A Review on Cannabidiol Potential in Medical Conditions


CBD's anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties may help alleviate fatigue linked to chronic inflammation.

Immune system regulation


Incorporating CBD Into Post-Activity Recovery Routines

Because of its pain-relieving properties, CBD is now also being used in gyms and sports centres across Britain. Many coaches and healthcare professionals are promoting CBD after workouts because of its ability to reduce stiffness and pain. 

As we’ve already noted, CBD promotes anti-inflammatory benefits to the body, reducing pain and encouraging the body to heal faster. This is especially true when it comes to muscle repair, because CBD lowers oxidative stress, allowing the muscles to recover faster after an intense workout session.

Movement ease is especially important for people who work out regularly, and CBD is used to reduce joint pain, increase muscle flexibility, and effectively increase general mobility. By using CBD after workouts, UK fitness enthusiasts enjoy faster recovery, allowing them to exercise more often and build muscle more consistently. 

In addition to these physical benefits, it’s worth reiterating what has been already stated in this article:

  • CBD may support healthy sleeping patterns, helping fitness enthusiasts recover naturally.
  • CBD is often used to help manage stress, which may contribute to a more consistent exercise routine.
  • Some users report that CBD helps them feel more energized, encouraging them to exercise more often.
  • CBD may support mental clarity, which could help people stay on track with their fitness routines.

Other Rest and Relaxation Benefits of CBD

By implementing CBD for recovery, UK residents will also benefit in other small but significant ways. CBD not only gives people a better night's rest and a reduction in stress levels; it’s also an effective mood enhancer. 

Thousands of users report better social relationships with family and friends, better relationships at work, and an overall sense of well-being. CBD is also used by those who meditate, since it’s effective in promoting rejuvenation of the mind and body.

Is CBD Really a Good Solution for Recharging After a Long Day?

It’s not difficult to conclude that CBD certainly has a place in giving people that boost of energy they so desperately need. As additional evidence emerges from this intriguing discovery, it won't be long before a growing number of medical professionals start prescribing it to individuals experiencing low energy levels.

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CBD in British Diets: CBD Recipes and Ideas for a Healthy Diet

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